Flow Cytometry Principle

Flow cytometry has a multitude of applications in science, but the basic principle of operation is fairly simple: Cells (or other particles) pass in single file in front of a laser which allows them to be detected, counted, and sorted. These particles are fluorescently labelled, and the laser excites the fluorescent tags which emit light at specific wavelengths. Flow cytometry offers a technique for the rapid and simultaneous multiparametric analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of individual cells and particles.

Flow Cytometry Sample Preparation

Every flow cytometry (or FACS) experiment begins with sample preparation. The primary requirement is that the cells under analysis must be in a single-cell suspension. This is necessary to avoid unwanted instrument clogs and to produce high quality, consistent data results. Check out our flow cytometry sample preparation guide to learn how to prepare your samples for flow cytometric analysis.

Flow Cytometry Protocols

The Boster Bio protocols for flow cytometry offer a step-by-step overview of the procedure. Use this guide as a primer or a quick reference guide, and see our product datasheets or sample preparation guides for more details.

Flow Cytometry Optimization Tips

Nearly every step of the flow procedure comes with a choice. What methods of cell fixation and permeabilization are best? Which fluorochromes should be used for multicolor staining? Which isotype control would be suitable for this antibody? The Boster Bio optimization tips are meant to help answer those questions and more. Take a look at our optimization guides to help inform your decisions, optimize your experiments, and get better results.

Flow Cytometry Troubleshooting Guide

Every researcher eventually encounters trouble with an experiment. There may be high background, or unexpected staining, or the fluorescence signal may be weak, or any of a thousand different problems. Proper controls can help eliminate a great number of possible sources of error, but many troubles will remain. Check out the Boster troubleshooting guides for the most common problems, their sources, and how to resolve them.

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